In Defense of TV and Pop Culture

I don't really get it when 'intellectuals' say things like 'don't waste your time on AlDub... do something more relevant'... i mean, like what?!?

Majority of the people watching aldub (the target market of a show like eat bulaga)  are below middle class filipinos who are breaking their backs with blue collar work, people who cannot afford any other form of entertainment aside from sex or  free to air tv  or unli social media package to stalk their idols on twitter and instagram. ... what exactly do you want them to do when you say 'do something relevant'? put up a charity? plant trees to stop global warming? build houses for the poor.. oh yeah did you forget they are the poor?  you actually want a 40 year old housewife who spends her day doing laundry, cooking and cleaning  while struggling to feed her 4 kids (plus extended family) with the money her carpenter husband earns- to do what? what exactly do you mean when you say 'kaya walang nangyayari sa pilipinas kase walang kwenta pinagkakaabalahan nyo' ... what should she be doing instead on her free time ? read the biased newspaper and engage in public debates with politicians? excuse me because unlike you, she cannot afford to go globe trotting to see the world, or  have first world problems like which fancy restaurants to try next... she cannot even get cable tv so she can watch Scandal instead. You might say not all actually fit the above 'aling Bebang' profile  and you are referring to these people... still,  how dare you judge them that just because they spend a fraction of their day watching TV , then it means they are not already doing what in your opinion is relevant during the remaining 23.5 hrs or so of their day?

I'm sorry because looking down on people watching  AlDub does not make you  smarter than the rest of us... just shows how shallow your understanding of culture and reality is.


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